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What Is Obesity?

The word obesity has become synonymous with being fat and unhealthy. However, this
is not the whole picture. it can measure excess body fat that puts you at
risk for developing weight-related diseases like diabetes and hypertension. But being
overweight or obese is not always bad for your health; it all depends on how you
get there.
A person may be considered as obese when their body fat percentage exceeds the
normal range for their gender and height. Dr. Rakesh Srivastava wrote a complete book
that explains what obesity is, what causes it, and its various types, along with its risks
and solutions to tackle this problem.

What Causes Obesity?

It is defined as an absurd portion of fat in the body. It is caused by eating too
many calories and not getting enough physical activity to burn those calories off. It cannot be easy to lose weight if you eat more calories than you are burning. Many
people are overweight or obese. It increases the risk of health problems like heart
disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, and certain cancers.
The main causes of obesity are:
– Increased calorie intake: Eating high-calorie foods such as refined carbohydrates
(sugars), sweets, junk foods, and saturated fats (found in dairy products and meat),
along with a sedentary lifestyle, is the major cause of It.
– Insufficient physical activity: People spend more time working at
desks and using computers. The lack of physical activity combined with an unhealthy
diet contributes to obesity.
– Inherited traits: Some people inherit genes that make them more likely to be obese

Different Types of Obesity

There are two types that you should know about.

Central Obesity:

This is mostly associated with abdominal obesity and is usually a result
of excessive fat around your midsection. This fat can lead to serious health problems
such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

General Obesity:

This results from excessive fat all over your body. It is seen in
people with large thighs, arms, or calves. General obesity does not have as many
health risks as abdominal obesity.

Effects of Obesity

the leading cause of many chronic diseases, including heart disease,
diabetes, and certain types of cancer, which can be fatal.
Poor self-image: A poor self-image is a common effect of obesity. Some people are too
embarrassed to go to a beach or a swimming pool. They are worried they will be judged
by others because of their weight.
Difficulties in daily activities: Excessive weight can lead to joint problems, making simple
activities like climbing stairs or walking difficult. It can also affect your ability to perform
certain jobs.
Increased risk of heart disease: Excess weight increases the risk of coronary heart
disease and diabetes.
Increased risk of certain types of cancer: Excess weight is linked to an increased risk of
certain types of cancers, including breast, colon, and endometrial cancers

Obesity prevention

Dr. Rakesh Srivastava is a weight-loss specialist, nutritionist, and endovascular surgeon
with excellent credentials. Dr. Rakesh Srivastava says that one should be extremely
careful about the diet when it comes to fighting obesity in childhood. You must ensure that you have enough fiber and protein in your child’s diet, especially since they
are growing rapidly at this age.”
Dr. Srivastava Rakesh has been featured in many international media, where he talks
about his work on obesity prevention by using lifestyle modification techniques such as
dieting or bariatric surgery along with conventional medical treatment like medicines or
injections etc., which is ideally suited for children as well as adults suffering from severe
obesity problems who need immediate intervention before their health deteriorates
further due to complications associated with overweight conditions such as diabetes
mellitus type 2 (DM2), hypertension/high blood pressure (HTN/HBH), metabolic
syndrome (MS), etc.
Obesity results from consuming too many calories and not getting enough physical
activity to burn those calories off. Although it is an issue that affects people of all ages,
it’s especially dangerous for teens because they are still growing and need the right
nutrients to help their bodies develop properly.
If you are concerned about your weight, consult with your physician. They can help you
develop a plan to reach and maintain a healthy weight. And whatever you do, don’t
diet. Instead, work towards a long-term health goal, like maintaining a healthy weight or
exercising more.